At Tastty Online, we respect the intellectual property rights of others and take copyright infringement seriously. This DMCA Policy outlines the procedure to file a copyright complaint or to respond to a complaint regarding content on our website,
1. Copyright Infringement Notice
If you believe that content on our website infringes your copyright, you may submit a notification to our designated agent. Your notice must include the following information:
- Identification of the copyrighted work: A description of the work you believe has been infringed.
- Identification of the infringing material: A description of the location of the material that you believe is infringing on your copyright (e.g., the specific webpage or URL).
- Your contact information: Full name, email address, physical address, and phone number.
- Statement of good faith: A statement that you believe in good faith that the use of the copyrighted material is not authorized by the copyright owner or law.
- Certification: A statement that the information in your notice is accurate, and that you are the copyright owner or authorized to act on behalf of the copyright owner.
2. Counter-Notification
If you believe that your content has been wrongly removed due to a DMCA takedown notice, you may submit a counter-notification. Your counter-notification must include the following information:
- Identification of the material that was removed: A description of the content that was removed and its original location on the website.
- Statement of good faith: A statement that you believe the material was removed due to a mistake or misidentification.
- Your contact information: Full name, email address, and physical address.
- Agreement to Jurisdiction: Consent to the jurisdiction of the courts where your address is located, or where the service provider is located.
- Signature: A physical or electronic signature of the person submitting the counter-notification.
3. Designated DMCA Agent
You may contact our DMCA agent for copyright-related issues at the following address:
Designated DMCA Agent: Sandeep Singh
4. Notice Processing
Upon receiving a valid DMCA takedown notice, we will take action by removing or disabling access to the infringing content. If we receive a counter-notification, we may restore the removed content after 10-14 business days, unless we are notified that a court order has been issued to prevent the restoration of the content.
5. Repeated Infringement
If you are a repeat infringer, we may, in our discretion, terminate your access to the website.
6. Changes to DMCA Policy
We reserve the right to modify or update this DMCA Policy at any time. Any changes will be posted on this page.